Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik <p><em><strong>P-ISSN</strong>: <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1389249108">2355-8032</a> <strong>E-ISSN</strong>: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1513130522">2614-6703</a> </em><br /><em><strong>Publication</strong>: Twice a year (June and December)</em><br /><em><strong>Index</strong>: Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, Sinta 4, PKP Index, Index Copernicus, Onesearch, Scilit.<br /></em>Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan is an open access journal and articles will be processed through peer-review. The scope of this journal is nursing and medical science, public health and environmental health, pharmaceutical science.</p> en-US vp799@umkt.ac.id (Dr. Vita Pramaningsih, ST., M.Eng) hamada.zein@umkt.ac.id (Hamada Zein, S.Kom) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Innovation in the Development of the Toddler Family Development Program in Air Raya, Bandarsyah Village, East Bunguran District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3975 <p>This research aims to develop innovation in the Toddler Family Development Program (BKB) in Air Raya, Bandarsyah Village, East Bunguran District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands. The BKB program is a government initiative which aims to improve the welfare and development of toddlers through education and guidance to parents regarding good parenting patterns, health and child nutrition. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Research respondents included BKB program implementers, parents who participated in the program, and related health workers. Data analysis was carried out thematically to identify needs and potential for innovation in implementing the BKB program. The research results show that innovation in the BKB program at Air Raya can increase family participation and the quality of interaction between parents and toddlers. Some of the proposed innovations include: the use of information technology such as mobile applications to provide information on the health and development of toddlers and as a means of communication between parents and BKB officers; holding regular training and workshops for parents on parenting, nutrition and children's health; increasing collaboration with community health centers, posyandu, and educational institutions to provide more comprehensive services; and implementing mobile education programs that can reach families living in remote areas.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mustaqim Mustaqim Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3975 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Descriptive Study of Maternal Mortality Based On Maternal Characteristic in Semarang City https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3849 <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Maternal mortality in Semarang District was in the 2<sup>th</sup> ranking (highest) of 35 districts/cities in Central Java Province by 2015. The purpose of this study was to analyze maternal mortality based on maternal characteristics in Semarang City. This research used descriptive analysis, derived from secondary data that taken from Maternal Verbal Autopsy data on maternal death at Semarang City Health Office. The sampling of this study were all death maternal cases whose died during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum in District Semarang as many as 35 people in 2015. From the analysis showed that maternal mortality in Semarang City based on mothers were aged 20-35 years (68.6%), level education in senior high school (54.3%), in working mothers (51.4%), at risk spacing births (52.4%), risk parity (51.4%), place of delivery were 89.2% in hospital, delivery by cesarian section (67.9%). Beside that, most of mortality cases occurred in postpartum period (80%), with the highest caused preeclampsia/ eclampsia (37%) and 71.4% of mothers also do Antenatal Care more than 4 times during pregnancy. There are &nbsp;Most of mothers have a history of heart disease (22.8%), 39.3% preeclampsia/ eclampsia as a delivery complication and 74% mothers with postpartum complication. This study recommends the need for early recognition of mothers about antenatal care and danger during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and increased alertness of health workers to complications of pregnancy, complication of delivery and complication of postpartum especially in mothers with a history of illness.</p> Indah Doanita Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3849 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship Between Mosquito Breeding Sites and Waste Management with the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Citimun Village, Cimalaka District in 2023 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3820 <p>Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes.&nbsp;There are four types of dengue virus (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3.&nbsp;DENV-4), and infection with one type provides lifelong immunity against only that type.&nbsp;One of the factors that can influence the increase in morbidity and death rates due to dengue disease is poor community behavior related to poor environmental sanitation.&nbsp; This study aims to determine the relationship between mosquito breeding sites and waste management with the incidence of&nbsp;<em>Dengue</em>&nbsp;Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the Citimun Village Area.&nbsp;The type of research used is quantitative research that is descriptive analytic with a&nbsp;<em>cross sectional</em>&nbsp;approach.&nbsp;The population in this study is the population of Citimun Village which amounts to 5,274 households, with a sample number of 100 families determined by the slovin formula.&nbsp;The data analysis used was univariate and bivariate data analysis using the Chi-Square test.The results showed that there was a relationship between mosquito breeding sites and dengue incidence with a p-value of 0.001, and there was a relationship between waste management and dengue incidence with a p-value of 0.006.&nbsp;It is hoped that village officials and epidemiological surveillance officers at puskesmas can provide counseling to the community so that the community can maintain good environmental cleanliness and to avoid disease.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Widiani Pratami, Evi Sonjati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3820 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Analysis Of Implementation Of Permit To Work at Height in the Projects PT. X year 2023 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3817 <p>World developments influence to all sectors, including the development sector which is also increasingly rapid and with the application of increasingly sophisticated technology, the application of Occupational Health and Safety is one of the main requirements for work that must be taken into account. is one of the contractors engaged in the construction sector where its activities cannot be separated from working at heights, So it is necessary to carry out observations and observations in the field regarding "Analysis of the Implementation of the Permit to Work System for Height Work on the Project of PT. X year 2023”.</p> <p>The research method used in this research is qualitative-descriptive, because this type of research is the most appropriate for analyzing the implementation of the permit to work system using interviews, observations and also document review.</p> <p>From the results of research on the implementation of a permit to work system for work at height on the Project of PT. X, starting from the stages of preparation consisting of coordination, planning, assessment, isolation, prevention, validity period, signature, process stages consisting of permit, revalidation, suspension, action in emergency, monitoring and closing stages consisting of returning permit to Work, Site Inspection, Cancelation of Overrides, Return to service, Log/record it is known that the implementation of the three stages of the Permit to work System for work at height on the Project of PT. X has done quite well.</p> <p>Even though the implementation is good, there are several stages that still need to be improved because they are not in accordance with the standards of MoM Regulation No. 9 year 2016 concerning safety for work at heights. The recommended to improve such as coordinating the agenda for briefings, risk assessments being distributed in the work area, work area restrictions being improved, not only police lines, PPE checks being carried out before and after work, checking first aid equipment, work permit displays being carried out even outside of building, telling workers how to process work permits for extensions and returns, having checklists for monitoring during work and after work is completed, checking equipment when it is returned, and for the rest it is good enough and hopefully it can be maintained.</p> Kurniawan Syahrimbun Saragih Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3817 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Identification of Prednison and Methyl Prednisolon in Weight-Gain Jamu from Online Marketplace Using TLC-Densitometry Method https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3888 <p>Jamu or traditional medicine is an ingredient or mixture of ingredients derived from plant ingredients, animal ingredients, mineral ingredients, extract preparations (galenic), or a combination of these ingredients which have been used for generations for healing based on experience. Weight-gain jamu is a traditional medicine which is useful for increasing appetite and body weight.&nbsp; The product is widely used today and marketed through online platforms. This study aims to determine the corticosteroids Prednisone and Methyl Prednisolone that are present in weight-gain jamu using the TLC-Densitometry method. This study used 10 samples of weight-gain jamu purchased from the Shopee e-marketplace with inclusive criteria. Silica Gel GF 254 nm was used as the stationary phase. The mobile phases used are chloroform: ethyl acetate (1:9) for prednisone and water-saturated butanol: toluene: ether (5:10:85) for methyl prednisolone. Spiked samples were performed for confirmation of method validation. The results of this research showed that 2 jamu samples contained prednisone at 247 nm wavelength, and no jamu samples were positive for methyl prednisolone. This method could be applied to detect corticosteroids such as prednisone and methyl prednisolone in weight gain herbal medicine.</p> Sofia Fatmawati, Mirawati Siregar, Lastri Ananta, Sundari Kusuma Adjie Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3888 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Factors that Influence the Level of Medication Adherence in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Magelang City Hospital https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3965 <p>Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Treatment adherence and low glycemic control are still problems in the majority of DM patients. Non-compliance of type 2 diabetes mellitus&nbsp; patients with treatment will have an impact on expected clinical outcomes, risk of complications, and poor quality of life. Therefore, this study aims to determine the level of compliance of diabetes mellitus patients and analyze the factors that influence it. This study is an analytical study observational with a cross sectional design and carried out at the Internal Medicine Clinic, Magelang City Regional Hospital from December 2023 to January 2024. The sample for this study is diabetes mellitus patients who are taking antidiabetic drugs at the Internal Medicine Clinic, Magelang Regional Hospital. The research instrument is a questionnaire from Morisky Medication Adherence Scale 8-item (MMAS-8). Bivariate data analysis using tests chisquare using SPSS. Effects were considered significant if p &lt; 0.05. Level of adherence to treatment long-term oral antidiabetic in the majority of DM patients are in the Disease Polyclinic In the Magelang City Regional Hospital it is still moderate. This study shows that The amount of medication consumed in a day is factors that have the most influence on level of treatment compliance. Meanwhile, age, gender, occupation and length of suffering DM has no effect on level patient compliance in treatment</p> Mira Kemila Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3965 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 the, of, on, and, The Influence of Digital Pocket Book Learning Media on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Students of SMAN 5 Samarinda Regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3970 <p>There are more than thirty different types of germs known to be transmitted through sexual contact. This research aims to determine the effect of health education through digital pocket book learning media on the knowledge and attitudes of students at SMAN 5 Samarinda towards sexually transmitted infections, using a quasi-experiment with the accidental sampling method. Respondents, selected from a total of 1068 students, numbered 92 students aged 14 to 16 years during a one-week analysis of the benefits and positive impact of digital pocket book media intervention on students knowledge and attitudes. Data analysis used validity and reliability tests on the pre-test and post-test questionnaires, followed by paired T-tests and Wilcoxon tests on the results of the influence of the digital pocket book intervention. All sexually transmitted infection questionnaires were made reliable and valid for respondents to understand. The results of the paired T-test on students knowledge showed an average increase in knowledge scores of 9.47%, with a difference in the increase in knowledge results ranging between 3.2% and 15.2% among respondents. Regarding attitudes, students obtained an average increase in positive attitude scores of 8.17%, with a difference in the increase in positive attitude results ranging from 5.4% to 11.9% among respondents. The results of the Wilcoxon test on student knowledge showed a positive influence on all respondents, with an average knowledge value resulting from the intervention amounting to 93%. Similarly, students attitudes were positively influenced by all respondents, with an average attitude value resulting from the intervention of 92%.</p> fitria rahmah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3970 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) Clinical Benefit Pocket Book Education on Knowledge Level of D4 Anesthesiology Nursing Students, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3961 <p>Increased knowledge can be supported by improving education delivery methods in health education, so that the quality of health services will also increase. The pocket book method is a simple way or tool used to increase student knowledge with health education (education) methods. <em>Epigallocatechin Gallate </em>(EGCG) is the main polyphenolic constituent found in green tea and contributes 50% to 80% which represents 200 to 300 mg/cup of green tea. Design: <em>Quasi-Experiment </em>with <em>Non-Equivalent One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design</em>. Methods: The method used in this study is <em>a Quasi-Experiment </em>with <em>a Non-Equivalent One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design </em>. The number of respondents was 58 second semester students with the <em>Simple Random Sampling Technique </em>. Data collection used a Knowledge Level questionnaire which was used to measure the level of knowledge before and after the intervention . Data analysis using Paired Sample T Test. Results<strong>: </strong>The results of the statistical test showed that most of the respondents (70.7 %) had sufficient level of knowledge before being given the intervention, while 10 students had less knowledge (17.2%). Furthermore, after receiving the intervention, most of the respondents had a good level of knowledge, namely as many as 36 students (62.1 % ). Conclusions: Pocket Book Education The Clinical Benefits of Green Tea <em>EGCG </em>( <em>Epigallocatechin Gallate </em>) in increasing the level of knowledge is very effective because the pocket book method is a simple way or tool used to increase student knowledge with health education (education) methods . This activity is also intended to be able to increase knowledge in using medicinal plants appropriately and rationally.</p> Rully - Annisa Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3961 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The The Link Between Prolonged Sitting and UTIs: A Cross-Sectional Study of Bank Tellers in Tarakan, Indonesia https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3957 <p>Urinary tract infections (UTIs), which are common in humans, can be influenced by a lack of physical activity, as experienced by office workers, including bank employees, who tend to spend long periods sitting in front of desks and computers. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between prolonged sitting and UTIs among Bank Employees in North Kalimantan, Tarakan City. This was an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional design. Data were collected using questionnaires from 64 subjects selected through random sampling. The results showed that 33 (48.4%) experienced UTIs. Prolonged sitting for ≥5 hours contributed to 44 subjects (68.8%). The chi-square test analysis showed a relationship between prolonged sitting and UTIs among Bank Employees in North Kalimantan, Tarakan City (p-value = 0.02). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between prolonged sitting and UTIs among Bank Employees. To reduce the risk of UTIs, it is recommended that bank employees regularly stand or walk.</p> Yogho Prastyo, Dini Dwiningtias, Ifa Yulia Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3957 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Profile of Childbearing Age Women Who are Willing and Unwilling to Undergo VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) Examination at the Temindung Samarinda Community Health Center https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3960 <p style="font-weight: 400;">Cervical cancer ranks as the eighth most common cancer in women. One method for early detection of precancerous cervical lesions is through Visual Inspection with Acetic acid (VIA). In Samarinda, the Temindung Community Health Center stands out as the sole community health center offering VIA examinations. This study aimed to profile childbearing-age women at the Temindung Samarinda Community Health Center who are willing or unwilling to undergo Visual Inspection with Acetic acid (VIA). The research employed an observational descriptive method. Purposive sampling was the technique used for selecting participants. The respondents comprised 81 childbearing-age women at the Temindung Samarinda Community Health Center. Key variables in this study included education level, knowledge about VIA, and whether they had received information about VIA from health workers. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires. The findings revealed that 72 respondents (88.89%) were willing to undergo VIA examination, while 9 respondents (11.11%) were not. Among those willing to undergo VIA, the majority were high school-educated, possessed good knowledge about VIA, and had not received information about VIA from health workers. Conversely, the majority of those unwilling to undergo VIA were mostly junior high school-educated, had good knowledge about VIA, and similarly had not received information about VIA from health workers.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Cervical Cancer, VIA, Childbearing-Age Women</em></p> Dian Nurlita Anggraini, Sulistiawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.umkt.ac.id/index.php/jik/article/view/3960 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000