JSE Journal of Science and Engineering 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Rusandi Noor Open Journal Systems <p><em><strong>ISSN</strong> 2723-3944</em><br /><em><strong>Publication</strong>: Twice a year (Agustus &amp; Desember)</em><br /><em><strong>Index</strong>: Google Scholar, PKP Index, Crossref, Publons, Scilit, ICI World of journals, ResearchBib, OneSearch</em><br />JSE Journal of Science and Engineering is an open-access and peer-reviewed scholarly international journal for engineers and technologist. This journal accepts unpublished research and review papers in the areas of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Structural and Civil Engineering, also Informatics and Information Technology. Potential authors are invited to submit articles in English. Each published article has a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in compliance with the international standard ISO 26324.</p> Overview of Mini Pile Pile Erection Work with STA 10+161 Drop Hammer Method IKN Segment 3B Toll Road Project Kariangau-Simpang Tempadung Summit 2024-02-22T02:26:51+00:00 Dheka Shara Pratiwi Danang Asmoro <p>Planning of mini pile foundation in the construction project of IKN Segment 3B KKT Kariangau-Simpang Tempadung Toll Road is one type of deep foundation that is usually used in tall buildings, serves to pass the load caused by the upper structure to the bottom without causing excessive foundation decline. This toll road project is planned to be built along 7.32 km connecting the Balikpapan city area with North Penajam Paser Regency. This study uses participatory observation method, participatory observation, which is a method where the author participates directly and is involved in various activities in the project. Aims to collect data including primary data such as direct observation methods, interviews, documentation, and secondary data including work drawings, project organization data, and other data needed in writing this report. Erection on STA 10+161 box culvert area is carried out using the drop hammer method which is considered more economical. This type of foundation uses precast concrete piles of K-450 quality square pile measuring 20 x 20 cm with a length of 4-6 meters, and obtained a total of 166 points.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dheka Shara Pratiwi, Tali Impact of Using Tenggarong Sand and Lightweight Brick Waste in the Production of Pavement Paving Blocks 2024-07-23T01:58:55+00:00 Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana Muhammad Noor <p>The development of construction encourages increased development so as to create innovations in the development, one of which is used of road pavement materials which were originally dominated by asphalt, has now varied with paving blocks. Using waste as a mixture in making paving blocks is an alternative to creative and innovative products. In this case making paving blocks with brick waste, the waste increases along with the number of lightweight brick enthusiasts. The purpose article is to determine the strength value of paving blocks made from brick waste and tenggarong sand as a mixture of lightweight brick waste. The mixing ratio of cement and sand used was 1:6 with variations in the mixture of lightweight brick waste 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The tests carried out were water absorbtion and compressive strength. Data collection by testing in the laboratory on the materials used are sand tenggarong, cement three wheels and CLC lightweight brick waste. The results show that the most optimal percentage of the use of brick waste is at a percentage of 25% at the age of 28 days has a compressive strength value of 28.85 Mpa thus included in the quality of class B (parking lot). While the other percentages do not match between the compressive strength and the absorbtion value that has been determined. Research on compressive strength and water absorbtion of paving blocks can be the basis for further research such as testing the wear of paving blocks using brick waste as a mixture.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana, Said Implementation Method of U-Ditch Drainage Installation on M. Yamin Road in Samarinda 2024-07-23T01:58:17+00:00 Dheka Shara Pratiwi Iqbal Arfian Zaky Jasman <p>Drainage channels are one of the complementary structures on road sections to meet one of the technical requirements of road infrastructure. This construction project is driven by a common issue, which is the overflow of the drainage system on M Yamin Street. This can be observed through the community's concerns about the numerous flood points occurring on that road. Infrastructure development should reach the community, especially low-income communities, while always considering spatial planning and the interconnectedness and integration with other social environments. The implementation method of the Drainage Construction Project on M Yamin Street, Samarinda City, includes the following steps: Preparatory work, Excavation Work, Piling Work, Installation of Precast U-Ditch using an excavator and a crane, U-Ditch with the dimensions of 300 x 165 x 100 cm is installed. It utilizes D16 - 200 mm and D13 - 200 mm steel reinforcement with concrete quality of Fc 30 Mpa, Reinforcement Work, formwork, Concreting Work uses concrete quality K 350 with dimensions of a width (b) of 300 cm and a thickness (t) of 30 cm. It utilizes Φ16 - 200 mm reinforcement steel and Φ13 - 200 mm support steel with a steel grade of Fy 350 MPa. Based on observations, the slump value obtained from K 350 Mpa concrete is 11.8 cm, which falls within the planned slump range for slab concrete work, ranging from 7.5 cm to 15 cm, finishing.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dheka Shara Pratiwi, Arif, Fachridia The Impact of School Activities on Road Performance Using PTV Vissim Software Simulation 2024-07-23T01:57:05+00:00 Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana Muhammad Arif <p>Movement increases along with population growth and economic improvement each year. However, this is not supported by adequate transportation infrastructure, which can lead to congestion and traffic flow. The congestion of Samarinda during peak hours. One such location is Anang Hasyim Street, which has several schools along the road, including Cordova Elementary and Junior High School, SMPN 1, and SMAN 1 Samarinda. Traffic is evident during school hours, both morning and afternoon, along with an increase the number of vehicles and pedestrians. This situation leads to decline in the performance of the road segment. Road performance is a quantitative measurement that describes the conditions occurring on a road segment and serves as a parameter for road performance. This primary data such as road geometric data, traffic volume, and vehicle delays over a specific segment length. Traffic surveys were conducted over three days Monday, February 26, 2024, and Friday and Saturday, March 1-2, 2024. The survey were from 06:30-07:30 WITA,12:00-13:00 WITA, and 15:30-16:30 WITA. The analysis is based on PKJI 2023 and traffic flow simulation using PTV Vissim. The traffic results for 2024 shows the capacity of Anang Hasyim Street is 2968.154 pcu/hour, with the highest vehicle on Monday being 3079.75 pcu/hour and a degree of saturation 0.501 (LoS type A), and side friction of 500.8 incidents per hour. Meanwhile, the forecast for 2034 indicates the capacity remains 2968.154 pcu/hour,&nbsp; vehicle volume of 2202.83 pcu/hour, a degree of saturation 0.74 (LoS type B), and side friction of 563.33 incidents per hour.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana, Iqbal The Implementation of Environmental-Based Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3L) Using Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control (HIRARC) Method on the Drainage Project in the City of Samarinda 2024-07-23T01:56:18+00:00 Rusli Rusli Isnaini Zulkarnain Fitriyati Agustina <p>The Semani Drainage Works Project (Sentosa-Remaja-A. Yani) is an initiative in the development of waterways in Samarinda City. The large-scale development and the high level of risk of work accidents on the project require close monitoring of the Environment-Based Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3L). This study aims to identify potential hazards and analyze the risks of potential hazards and design improvements to reduce the impact of risks using the Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) method. The result of this research is the discovery of 117 potential hazards on projects located in three different locations. Where the drainage work on Jalan Pemuda 1 has a low risk level (low) of 21%, a moderate risk level (moderate) of 38%, a high risk level (high) of 41%, and an extreme risk level (extreme) of 0%. For drainage work on the D.I. Pandjaitan road, it has a low risk level (low) of 18%, a moderate risk level (moderate) of 31%, a high risk level (high) of 51%, and an extreme risk level (extreme) of 0%. And for the level of risk in drainage work on Sentosa road has a low risk level (low) of 18%, a moderate risk level (moderate) of 36%, a high risk level (high) of 46%, and an extreme risk level (extreme) of 0%. Risk control or improvement design focuses on Engineering Control and administration as well as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rusli Rusli, Isnaini Zulkarnain , Fitriyati Agustina Safety Study of Steel Structure of Weighbridge I Girder Against Hauling Trailer 2024-07-26T04:05:15+00:00 Ryan Zulfikar Rusandi Noor <p>Weighbridges play a vital role in coal mining operations. This study aims to calculate the stress range and fatigue life of steel bridge girder cross-sections. Using the numerical simulation method with the CSI Bridge v22 application, the maximum axial force of 197 kN and the minimum axial force of -74 kN were obtained. The axial force is determined from the first 3 spans of the bridge with a span length of 4 m. The span length of the weighbridge is 80 m. From the calculation, the maximum stress of 40.11 MPa and the minimum stress of -15.06 MPa were obtained, resulting in a stress range of 55.16 MPa. The nominal bending moment strength of the beam was found to be 0.56. This modeling allows the simulation of dynamic loads from a 400-tonne SDT truck (semi-trailer door tipper) passing over the bridge so that accurate stress range data can be obtained. Fatigue analysis was carried out using the Basquin equation using the constant C = 1x1012 and exponent m = 3, receiving a fatigue life of 0.006 (6.01x106) cycles assuming 30-40 hauling trucks passing over the weighbridge. The results of calculations and simulations obtained longitudinal and transverse profile dimensions of IWF 1000x520x18x31.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ryan Zulfikar, Rusandi Noor Evaluation and Microsimulation of Road Segment Performance in Densely Populated Areas Using PTV Vissim ( Case Study: P Suryanata Street, Samarinda) 2024-07-23T01:52:09+00:00 Pitoyo Pitoyo Achmad Badiuzaman <p>Prince Suryanata Street is a connecting road between the North Samarinda District of Samarinda City and the Tenggarong District of Kutai Kartanegara Regency. Frequent congestion of all types of vehicles, both entering and exiting the center of Samarinda City, causes traffic jams on this road segment. Additionally, the high population density in the area around Prince Suryanata Street also contributes to the heavy traffic. The traffic problems on Prince Suryanata Street in Samarinda City are now being felt by road users. One issue that further worsens the traffic conditions is the poor performance of the road segments. Therefore, an evaluation of the road is necessary. The traffic flow volumes are as follows: Monday, 9834.75 pcu/hour; Friday, 5911.95 pcu/hour; and Saturday, 5690.8 pcu/hour. The highest traffic volume occurs on Monday due to various school activities and community activities around the observation location. The analysis results show that Prince Suryanata Street experiences high traffic density, especially during peak hours, leading to a decline in road service quality. The current capacity (C) is 244.76 pcu/hour, the degree of saturation (ds) is 1.68, and the Level of Service (LoS) is rated at class F. For the 10-year forecasting, the projected capacity (C) is 6397.44 pcu/hour, the degree of saturation (ds) is 0.95, and the Level of Service (LoS) is anticipated to be in class D.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pitoyo Pitoyo, Habib