JSE Journal of Science and Engineering 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Rusandi Noor Open Journal Systems <p><em><strong>ISSN</strong> 2723-3944</em><br /><em><strong>Publication</strong>: Twice a year (Agustus &amp; Desember)</em><br /><em><strong>Index</strong>: Google Scholar, PKP Index, Crossref, Publons, Scilit, ICI World of journals, ResearchBib, OneSearch</em><br />JSE Journal of Science and Engineering is an open-access and peer-reviewed scholarly international journal for engineers and technologist. This journal accepts unpublished research and review papers in the areas of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Structural and Civil Engineering, also Informatics and Information Technology. Potential authors are invited to submit articles in English. Each published article has a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in compliance with the international standard ISO 26324.</p> Indonesian Automated Essay Scoring with Bag of Word and Support Vector Regression 2024-01-12T00:53:32+00:00 Naufal Azmi Verdikha Junianda Haris Dwiagam Rofilde Hasudungan <p>Essay is one of the test questions to measure students' understanding of learning. Respondents can organize the answers to each question in their own language style, so it takes time to make corrections. It takes a system that can assess essay answers automatically quickly and accurately. Auto Essay Scoring (AES) is a tool that can assign grades or scores to answers in the form of essays automatically. In giving grades automatically, AES requires machine learning with training data that contains answer data that has been given a value by the assessor. In this study, AES was used to assess the Indonesian language midterm exams using the Bag of Word extraction feature and using Support Vector Regression. The Root Mean Square Error value obtained when evaluating AES is 1.99.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Naufal Azmi Verdikha, Junianda Haris Dwiagam, Rofilde Hasudungan Decision Support System for Selection of The Best Doctor at Ahmad Brahim Hospital Using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method 2024-01-25T08:21:37+00:00 Reni Fahra Abdul Rahim Asslia Johar Latipah <p>The selection of the best doctors at the Ahmad Brahim hospital was not only done once, but the selection of the best health workers at the Ahmad Brahim hospital was also carried out, but the selection of the best health workers was still done manually by the health department. Therefore, to help speed up the research process, a website-based decision support system was created to select the best doctors to provide rewards with several methods that can be used. One of the methods used in making decisions is simple additive weighting (SAW) which is done by weighting each of the criteria used. Decision support website created using the PHP and MYSQL programming languages for data storage. This study has criterion 3, namely absence, attitude and diligence then have 7 alternatives, the 7 alternatives have 4 ratings 1 where the average assessment is the same as the absence score 0.45, the attitude value is 0.35 and the diligence value is 0.12 with a total value of 1 so those who get the first rank score are dr. Audi Pirade, dr. Kesatria Putra Abadi, dr. Nurfitri Rahmani Awaliyah and dr. Riska Ruswanti. Then the second rank is dr. Christi Angelia Arung Labi with an absence score of 0.45, an attitude value of 0.35 and a diligence value of 0.12 with a total of 0.92</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rahim, Reni Fahra, Asslia Johar Latipah Comparative Analysis of the Application of AHP and SAW in the Selection of the Best Employees at the Main Samsat Office, Samarinda City. 2024-01-10T00:36:44+00:00 Dwiki Adi Darmawan Arbansyah Arbansyah Asslia Johar Latipah <p>Employees are a supporting factor in a company or agency, because with employees<br>who have company qualification standards, the company's productivity will be maintained and will increase. The AHP and SAW methods can be used to determine the best employees. There are 3 criteria and 16 alternatives that are given a value based on the scale of importance and weight for each criterion that has been determined by the Samarinda City Samsat Main Office which will be processed to find a sensitivity value using two methods, namely AHP and SAW. By carrying out the calculation process as much as 6 times the weight addition experiment where each weight is added to the value of 0.5 and 1 which is applied to the two AHP and SAW methods produces the sensitivity values of the two methods and uses two experiments with the first formula (XA – XB) and ( XA + XB ) then the sensitivity value obtained from the first trial of the AHP method is - 2.592705356 and the sensitivity value of the SAW method is -4.522690058. The second experiment added the value (XA + XB) so that the results of the sensitivity values of the two methods were obtained, namely AHP 5.952672848 and SAW method 8.358567251. From the calculations of these two methods, the SAW method was chosen which is more sensitive, so the best employee with the highes score at the Samsat Main Office, Samarinda City, was A1, namely the Selvi Salamah alternative, with a priority value of0.944444444.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arbansyah Arbansyah, Dwiki Adi Darmawan, Asslia Johar Latipah Analysis of Mini Pile Foundation in Istiqlal Mosque Loa Bakung Samarinda Construction Project Based on CPT and SPT Data 2024-01-25T06:08:21+00:00 Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana Santi Yatnikasari Adde Currie Siregar Muhammad Syahrul <table width="593"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="387"> <p>Transportation as an activity of moving something from one place to another. The existence of various community activities causes the emergence of traffic movements. The more activities that take place, the more traffic generated. So that adequate infrastructure is needed to create a smooth movement. As the number of vehicles increases, the strength of the pavement decreases which results in road damage. Pavement in good condition in Samarinda City in 2020 decreased by around 6.3%, while roads in severely damaged conditions increased by almost 100% from 2015. Damage to pavement reduces the capacity of the previously planned roads. This affects the level of service on these roads, so it is necessary to compare the analysis of service levels with and without any damage. The research was conducted by surveying Ir. Sutami road, City of Samarinda with a length of 150 m. Primary data include the number of vehicles, road geometric data and documentation of road damage. The analytical method uses MKJI 1997. The volume of vehicles passing through Ir. Sutami as much as 1228.4 smp/hour on holidays and 3510.35 smp/hour on weekdays which are dominated by motorbikes. Road capacity Ir. Sutami in a condition without any damage, namely 6079.92 smp/hour which produces a V/C ratio of 0.58 with a service level of A, while currently the Ir. Sutami road with some damage such as holes and peeling so that the capacity decreased to 5251.067 smp/hour with a V/C ratio of 0.67.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana, Santi Yatnikasari, Adde Currie Siregar, Muhammad Syahrul Overview Implementation of Precast U-Ditch Drainage Construction on Jalan Otto Iskandardinata 2024-01-25T06:29:33+00:00 Brian Ricki Tama Santi Yatnikasari Elvira Handayani Zulfikar Umi Fitriyati Agustina <p>The increasing use of transportation infrastructure in Indonesia demands the development of facilities and infrastructure to enhance the quality of public services. Kalimantan Timur is a rapidly growing province. The rising population of Kalimantan Timur necessitates the construction of supportive facilities and infrastructure. Drainage refers to the action or process of draining/disposing of water, resulting from human activities like household wastewater, industrial wastewater, as well as natural processes such as rain, water accumulation, floods, and groundwater level reduction. The Drainage Project aims to improve the drainage system to reduce flood and waterlogging risks while preserving water quality, accommodating the growth of the population and the need for supporting infrastructure like housing, schools, and healthcare facilities. In the Drainage Development Project on Jalan Otto Iskandardinata, the precast concrete method with dimensions of 100x70x20 is used. The implementation of the U-Ditch Precast Drainage Project on Jalan Otto Iskandardinata is expected to alleviate flood issues. Before commencing the work, various tests such as the Slump Test, Compressive Strength Test, Hammer Test, and Tensile Strength Test are conducted to ensure compliance with the required specifications. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) measures have been applied to the Drainage Project. Each stage of the project's implementation must be supervised by field inspectors to ensure the project runs smoothly and meets the required quality standards.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Brian Ricki Tama, Santi Yatnikasari, Elvira Handayani, Zulfikar Umi, Fitriyati Agustina Review of implementation of rigid pavemant cement clamping work on the reconstruction of the road access to Tol Palaran 2024-01-25T06:23:56+00:00 Pooja Hemalia Putri Fitriyati Agustina Yuli Arianto Ardian <p>The East Kalimantan Provincial Government carried out reconstruction work on the Palaran Toll access road (Palaran Main Stadium). This work is very strategic considering that the route is one of the accesses to national vital objects (obvitnas) of the Samarinda - Balikpapan Toll Road. In addition to providing comfort for road users, the path will be a storefront for Samarinda City. This path will be an access in and out of and to the Palaran Toll Gate. Previously, the two-lane road section was only used for one lane on the right side of the Palaran Main Stadium. The lane was partially destroyed, scrubbed and only became a parking office for trucks and containers. But considering that this road is a provincial road, the existing road conditions are considered unable to accommodate the capacity of vehicles going through this route. So it is necessary to rebuild and improve roads on the East Kalimantan Main Stadium Road Section at Sta. 1+644 – Sta. 3+405 to facilitate economic traffic and also avoid traffic accidents in the area. The methods used to obtain data are direct observation methods of activities that occur in the field and secondary data collection in the form of test result data, and work plan drawings. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the stages of implementation and supervision of cement concrete pavement road work, especially in ironing work. Palaran Toll Access Road Reconstruction Project using iron 32 mm for dowel rods with a length of 450 mm and a distance of 300 mm, iron&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 16 mm for tie bars with a length of 700 mm and a distance of 750 mm, as well as iron&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 12 mm for dowel fulcrum</p> <p>reinforcement and tie bar.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pooja Hemalia Putri, Fitriyati Agustina, Yuli Arianto Ardian Implementation of Mini Piles and Retaining Wall in the Construction of the North Kalimantan Provincial DPRD Building in Bulungan Regency 2024-01-25T06:07:46+00:00 Madrotin Noer Hendi Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana Gariel Onaya Santi Yatnikasari Pitoyo Pitoyo Ilpandari Ilpandari <p>Piles are used as the foundation for a building's construction when the underlying soil beneath the structure lacks sufficient bearing capacity to support the weight of the construction and its load, or when hard soil with enough bearing capacity lies at a significant depth. Retaining walls are a type of civil construction built to withstand the lateral active pressure of soil or water. Therefore, the construction of a retaining wall must be planned and designed to safely counter potential forces that could cause structural failure. The purpose of this writing is to understand the implementation of mini pile foundations and retaining walls concerning the stability control of the retaining wall against sliding, overturning, and soil-bearing capacity. The observational method used involves collecting secondary and primary data. The mini pile foundations are driven to a specified depth, with each pile segment being 4.0 meters long, and this piling activity aligns with the plan. The retaining wall used is a cantilever retaining wall with concrete quality K-300 f’c 25 MPa, where the successive heights, upper width, and bottom width of the retaining wall are 4.5 m, 0.3 m, and 2.7 m, respectively.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Madrotin Noer Hendi, Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana, Gariel Onaya, Santi Yatnikasari, Pitoyo Pitoyo, Ilpandari Ilpandari Review of The Existing Drainage Channel Development Method (Case Study: Semani Road Environment (Sentosa-Remaja-Ahmad Yani) 2024-01-24T01:16:18+00:00 Norhayati Norhayati adde currie siregar Evi Carlina <p>The purpose of this review study is to see the effectiveness of the method of implementing primary canals in the Semani environment (Sentosa-Remaja-Ahmad Yani) Management and Development of Drainage Systems that are Directly Connected to Rivers across Regency/City Areas and Provincial Strategic Areas. This condition shows the importance of handling drainage problems. Measurements use mechanical and manual, data collection is carried out in natural settings (natural conditions), primary data sources and data collection techniques involve more participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. From the results of reviews and observations during practical work, I concluded that we can really learn the techniques and conditions for making good drainage. so that the desired results can be maximized. The benefit of this study review is that we know how effective the work of the Semani environmental drainage project (Sentosa-Remaja-Ahmad Yani) is. It is hoped that this will eliminate the problem of flooding in the area</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Norhayati Norhayati, adde currie siregar, Evi Carlina A Risk Analysis of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Using the Hazard And Operability Study (HAZOP) Method for the Semani Drainage Project (Sentosa-Remaja-A. Yani) 2024-01-24T01:19:58+00:00 Rusli Rusli Isnaini Zulkarnain Yeyen Ekandari <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the risk of accidents in the construction project of drainage in Semani (Sentosa-Remaja-A. Yani) with the aim of assessing the level of accident risk that occurs. Occupational Safety and Health is an obligation mandated by the Labor Law and the Minister of Manpower Regulation, so that the risk of accidents can be minimized. In the implementation of the drainage project in Semani (Sentosa-Remaja-A. Yani), the Occupational Safety and Health System (K3) has been applied properly, but accidents often result from the negligence of the workers themselves. Therefore, an appropriate approach is needed to identify accident risks. <em>Hazard and Operability Study</em> (HAZOP) is a method that can be applied to identify and analyze the risks of work accidents. The research results show that <em>high-risk</em> conditions account for 32%, <em>medium-risk </em>for 54%, and <em>low-risk</em> for 14%, so improvement recommendations are more focused on high and medium-risk conditions</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rusli Rusli, Isnaini Zulkarnain, Yeyen Ekandari Optimizing Concrete Construction: Enhancing Strength and Durability through Proper Vibrator Utilization 2024-01-24T01:21:02+00:00 Awang Muhammad Latief Rusandi Noor Bagus Laksamana <p>Concrete, known for its high compressive strength and resistance to environmental degradation, proves ideal for durable building construction if implemented correctly. Mix designers, implementers, and supervisors must comprehend concrete properties to prevent errors in construction. Vibrators play a crucial role in enhancing concrete quality and strength during casting, facilitating air removal, ensuring even distribution, and increasing density. This research evaluates the impact of vibrators on mechanical properties and strength, utilizing a hammer test to compare unconfined compressive strength in samples cast with and without vibrators. Results indicate that vibrators significantly enhance concrete compactness, reduce cracking risk, and improve pressure resistance. Additionally, they positively influence aggregate distribution and reduce porosity. Integrating vibrators into the casting process is essential, offering tangible benefits for structural performance and building durability. Practical implications include guidance on optimal vibrator use in construction projects for superior outcomes. Concrete damage poses a common challenge in construction, affecting elements like columns, beams, plates, and walls. Conducting case studies on damage causes is crucial to identify and minimize potential issues, ensuring the long-term integrity of structures.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Awang Muhammad Latief; Rusandi Noor; Bagus Laksamana Volumetric Analysis of Asphalt Concrete with Fly Ash Filler and Glass Powder Waste Filler against Seawater 2024-01-26T00:54:09+00:00 Rusandi Noor Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana Bimantara Arya Nugraha Muhammad Reza Saputra <p>This study investigated volumetric analysis on asphalt concrete mixtures containing&nbsp; fly ash filler and&nbsp; glass powder waste filler, focusing on the response to local inundation of seawater.&nbsp; This study investigated volumetric analysis on asphalt concrete mixtures containing&nbsp; fly ash&nbsp; filler and &nbsp;glass powder waste filler, focusing on response to local inundation of seawater which includes Stability, Flow, VIM, VMA, and VFB.&nbsp; In the 4-day seawater puddle model cycle, 12 specimens were made:&nbsp; 3 &nbsp;fly ash fillers, 3 glass powder waste fillers, and &nbsp;3 normal asphalt, tested for 5 hours and 10 hours. This study explores the impact of fillers and inundation cycles on asphalt concrete characteristics. To realize the model of seawater puddles, in cylindrical specimens PVC retaining rings of the same diameter as the specimen (100 mm) are used tightly covered with silicone on the specimen surface. Filler with&nbsp; glass powder has low hygroscopic properties, which can help reduce moisture absorption in asphalt mixture beyond filler with fly ash. This can reduce the risk of changes in mechanical properties due to high water content. This study can provide an analysis of how well the asphalt mixture is able to withstand moisture and the extent to which&nbsp; glass powder filler and fly ash filler affect the absorbency of the mixture.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rusandi Noor, Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana, Bimantara Arya Nugraha, Muhammad Reza Saputra