About the Journal
P-ISSN: 2355-8032 E-ISSN: 2614-6703
Publication: Twice a year (June and December)
Index: Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, Sinta 4, PKP Index, Index Copernicus, Onesearch, Scilit.
The Faculty of Health and Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan (UMKT), through the Scientific Publishing Centre (PPI-UMKT) has been managing the Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, since 2017. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan published two number each year in June and December. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan accept research articles according to focus and scope and will be reviewed by reviewers.
The Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan has been accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia on October, 03, 2022 with No. 204/E/KPT/2022, valid for 5 years from Vol 9 No.2 in 2021 to Vol 14 No.1 in 2026. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan has been Indexed: Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, Sinta 4, PKP Index, Index Copernicus, Onesearch, Scilit.
Focus and Scope
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan is an open access journal and articles will be processed through peer-review. The scope of this journal is nursing and medical science, public health and environmental health, pharmaceutical science.
Nursing and Medical Science : Health Services, pediatric nursing, management of nursing, medical surgical nursing, maternity nursing, psychiatrics nursing, community nursing, emergency nursing, gerontology nursing, and family nursing.
Public Health and Enviromental Health : Biostatistic, Epidemiology, Health Education and Promotion, Health Behavior, Health Policy and Administration, Enviromental Health, Water Sanitation, Pollution, Public health Nutrition, Sexual Reproductive health, and Occupaional health and safety, Neurology, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Urogenital, Endocrine and Metabolism, Mental health, Obstetry and gynecology, Opthalmology.
Pharmaceutical Science : Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Formulation, Community and Clinical Pharmacy.